Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 20

Magnetic Fields
As an introduction to magnetic fields, we observed the direction at which the fields on a magnet produces with a compass.  It was observed that the magnetic field exist the magnet from the north, or positive side, of the magnet and enters back through the the south side.

The pictures above displays more vivid picture of how the magnetic fields are directed around a magnet.
The following picture displays how the Net Flux on a magnetic field is always zero.  This was observed in class through the demonstration of cutting in half a  magnet multiple times and still keeping positive and negative polarity.
Finding the Magnetic field

In this experiment the copper bar was experiencing a current from a voltage source.  As a result the bar obtained force from the magnet.  

The picture below display the magnetic field the magnet produces.  This was obtained by using the formula of the magnetic field with current, kinematics, inertia of the bar and torque.

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