Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 10

Electric Flux
In this experiment we wanted to see the change in Flux as the plate changes in angle with respect to the electric field.  The nails in this case represents the electric field as it goes through the wire plate.  The necessary measurements need for this lab was the height and and hypotenuse lenght in order to get the, theta, angle between the normal vector of the plate with respect with the electric field.

The Graph above represents the Electric flux vs the change in angle.  The result was a Cosine wave.  This graph shows how flux is related to the equation of the dot product between E*dAcos(theta).
Active physics

The above picture displaces how the electric field is uniform within an enclosed sphere

The above photograph shows how the flux of to charges inside a closed sphere is depended upon the net charge inside.  Flux= (Q_enlcosed)/E_0

Day 9

Air Hockey
The Above displays how two protons were used to move the positive particle to the goal.

The above picture displays how to positive electron react with one another with respect to their electric field.


This picture represents a charge particle's electric field and potential field.

The above photo shows how an uncharged particle reacts in an electric field.

The above photo displays how a charge particle reacts in an electric field

The above pictures displays how force reacts with the electric field.  F= qE

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 8

Interaction between Scotch Tape
In this experiment we wanted to test the electric charges between two pieces of scotch tape.

In the above picture we answer the questions in the lab manual.

The Electric Force Law Video Analysis
In this laboratory experiment we wanted to analyze a video in which two electrically charged balls and how they interact as they approach each other.

Since we know that there will be some force repelling one another, we are able to show our calculation for force relating mass,gravity, length of the string and displacement from equilibrium of the ball attached as it is repelled by the other moving ball.

The above picture shows that there is a power relationship between the electric force of the ball and the displacement between both balls.  Thus, the graph shows that as the displacement between the balls get smaller then the electric force gets greater, on the other hand, as the displacement gets bigger than the electric force gets smaller.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 6

An Ideal Diesel Cycle
The picture above is of an ideal diesel cycle problem.

The above picture above displays the calculation and steps taken to obtain the pressure, volume, temperature, and moles at every different point of the diesel cycle.

The above picture displays how the calculations for Q (heat), W(work), and U were obtained along with the efficiency.

Monday, March 10, 2014

 Day 4
Isothermal Experiment.

In this Laboratory experiment we intended to find the energy inside and adiabatic compression.  Since this is an isothermal experiment we expected that the change in internal energy and change in temperature would equal zero. We will relate that [(T^3/2)*V] final = [(T^3/2)*V] initial.

The picture above shows our measurements and calculation for the final temperature in kelvin, 1641.44 K, and in Fahrenheit, 2494.2 °F.
The above video is displays a rise in temperature inside the tube in which the cotton ignites in flame.

The following picture shows how pressure and volume are inversely proportional to one another.  It also displays how the  change in heat and work done on an object are equal in signs.  Because temperature is constant then the work done will equal the heat leaving the system in order to keep it at a constant temperature.

  The Picture above shows a proportional relationship between pressure and temperature. Moreover, it displays that the internal energy is equal to Heat because there is no change in energy. Because there is no change in volume, we may state that there is no work being done on the system.

We are missing a third graph, the graph missing is the Isobaric system in which pressure is constant. Because pressure is constant we can stat that the relationship between volume and temperature is that they are proportional to one another.  Therefore, the change in work done to a system is equal to heat.  

The following picture shows our calculations for the Active Physics assignment on thermodynamics.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 3

Volume Vs. Temperature 
In this laboratory experiment we wanted to see the relationship between changes in volume as temperature changes. We utilized a flask, syringe, and temperature probe to see the change in volume for cold, hot and room temperatures.

In order to obtain the volume of the entire flask and the connection between the syringe and the flask, we took the change in mass, in grams, by weighing taking the difference between an empty flask and a full flask of water.  We then took this change in mass multiplied by the density of water in order to obtain the volume in ,cm^3.

The Table above is the data of the measured temperature changes in Kelvin and volume change in cubic cm.  The graph shows that there is a proportional relationship between volume and temperature. The slope of the linear equation above, 0.1187x, is the relation between V/T, with units of  (cm^3/K).
The photo above displays how the units of the slope of the Volume vs Temperature graph should be cm^3/ K.

Since we had already solved for all three constant, we are able to determine the the ideal gas constant R by the equation above.

The picture above shows the calculation for R, the ideal gas constant, however, the units and the number are off since R= 8.314 (J/(mol*K).  This error may also be due to the fact that when the lab for Pressure vs Temperature, the temperature units of the experiment were measure in degrees Celsius rather than in measurements of Kelvin. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 2 Lab

Linear Expansion Lab
This Experiment was done in order to calculate the linear heat expansion constant, α.  The Experiment consisted of a rod, rotary device, Temperature probe, and logger pro.  Once obtaining the α we will be able to determine the material of the rod.
In the picture above, there are two graphs: Temperature vs Time and Change in Angle vs Time.  The graphs were utilized to obtain the change in temperature, ΔT and the change in angle of the rotary, ΔΘ.

This picture displays our calculation for α, by using the data obtained from the experiment.
α= 2.95 X 10^-5 °C^-1.

After obtaining the linear expansion constant we determined its uncertainty, 3.904 x 10^5 (1/C) .  We were then able to compare our value the chart in of linear expansion constant in the book and, therefore, deduced that the rod is made up of aluminum material because it has a constant of α= 2.4 X 10^-5 °C^-1.   We are able to state its aluminum because it falls under the uncertainty of our experimental value.

Latent Heat of Vaporization
In this Experiment we heated a cup of water with a known mass in order to obtain the Latent heat of vaporization.  We utilized an immersion to heat up the water and a temperature probe.

The Graph above is a Temperature vs. Time graph.  This graph displayed the temperature rising until till levels out at 100 °C.  Thus, at this point it is in the process of Latent heat of Vaporization.  We then utilized this graph to obtain time it took to reach 100°C.

The picture above is our calculation of Latent heat of Vaporization. We utilized time to calculate the heat from the heat rate of the immersion.  We then measured the change in mass from the water lost to vapor. We then obtained that L_v= 2409140 J

Using the Values obtained from the group we obtained a standard deviation of the average value.  Thus, we were able to obtain an uncertainty of ±836164.998 J/Kg.  As a result, we are able to declare that our value for latent heat of vaporization falls within the uncertainty of the actual value of latent heat of vaporization from the book, 2256 * 10 ^3 J/Kg.

Determining the Ideal Gas Laws:
Boyels Law
In this Experiment, we wanted to find the physical meaning behind the relationship of Pressure Vs. Volume.  We utilized a syringe to and pressure sensor to mark the change in pressure as volume decreased.

The Graph of Pressure Vs. Volume Describes that they are inversely proportional to each other.

The Picture above shows why the graph equation P=A/V is measured in (J/cc).  A is the amount of energy within the container at a constant temperature and quantity inside.  So, one may state that the as the volume at a low volume there is a high pressure indicating a high energy while large volume displays a low pressure which will indicate a small amount of energy inside.

P vs. T Charles law II
In this experiment we wanted to find the concept of Charles gas Law.  The items utilized were a flask with a constant volume and pressure of air in order to see the different reactions it had when temperature change occurred from cold temperature, room temperature and warm temperature.   We would analyze the change through logger pro and temperature and pressure probes.

The graph above displays a linear relationship between pressure and temperature.  It shows that as temperature rises, the pressure proportionally rises as well.

The picture above shows that since the volume and quantity are constant we may treat it this product as a constant value; thus, the final equation above shows that pressure is proportional to the change in temperature.